Organic Cotton

by Rachel Bowman on March 18, 2021


The past few decades, people have become more aware of their health, the environment, and the links between the two. Because of this we have seen an “Organic” movement gain momentum. Like organic foods, the thought of organic cotton is confusing to many of us. It has also taken longer to catch on because we don’t eat cotton (at least we hope not!) However, more organic options are becoming available.

What is "organic cotton?"

Organic cotton is grown using methods that are intended to have a low impact on the environment. As an example, organic cotton is grown without the use of toxic and persistent pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. The reasoning behind this is to help protect the environment, groundwater, and wildlife.
It is our hope that by choosing organic cotton products we are helping the environment, even in a small way.

Organic cotton sounds like a healthier option.

It is important to keep in mind that cotton is an extremely useful material, we use it for personal hygiene, we wear it, and we sleep on it. This means that cotton is part of our daily life. Wearing pesticides just seems like a bad idea.
By using more traditional farming techniques in growing organic cotton, clothing may have less chemicals processed through the fibers. This can possibly help with allergies or even with certain skin sensitivity.

In conclusion.

The debate between organic and non-organic is an ongoing one with fashion designers, environmental activists, farmers, and anyone else interested in what they wear.
We like using the organic cotton because we like the durability and feel of the product. Choosing products made with organic cotton gives us some peace of mind by knowing that the items you wear are nontoxic to you and the environment.